
WooCommerce Currency per Product

Overview #

In general, WooCommerce stores have one default currency for the whole store. If you have configured a module or plugin like multicurrency switcher, your store might have a default currency per location too. But what will you do if you want to set different currencies for different products as default in your online shop?

Well, use the WooCommerce Currency per Product module with your Booster for WooCommerce Plugin setup. 

This module allows you to specify the currency per product individually. Not just that, you may also set currency as per product author, product author user role, product category, or tag for each of your products. During checkouts or for the cart page, for uninterrupted payments and ordering, you may:

  • Convert the price to shop default currency
  • Allow adding just one product to the cart
  • Allow adding just products having prices in 1 currency to the cart
  • Convert the price to the currency of the previous product you’d added to the cart
  • Convert the price to the currency of the first product you’d added to the cart

Frontend View 1:  #

Product Page (with Price in ¥) for a Store with its default Currency as INR

Frontend View 2: #

Related Products List for the Same Store

Configuring the WooCommerce Currency Per Product #

Once you have the Booster Plugin installed on your WooCommerce store, follow the below-enlisted steps:

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Booster to open the Booster Elite for WooCommerce dashboard on your screen.
  • Find the Currency Per Product module in the Prices & Currencies Category and click on the Settings link.
  • Select the Enable Module checkbox for the Currency Per Product option.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.

WooCommerce Currency Per Product Settings #

The currency per product module in Booster Plugin allows store administrators to enable diverse currencies for all their products while letting them add several more ‘per currency’ conditions for enhanced store capabilities.

Cart and Checkout Behavior Options

While the module ensures that product pages show currency per product as per your setup, the same (products with different currencies) may create issues when the customer is checking out. Cart and Checkout Behavior Options exist to resolve this problem.

The Cart and Checkout Behavior dropdown menu enables you to select how your product price will behave when a buyer adds them to the cart. You need to select one of the options for this dropdown, as given below:

  • Convert to shop default currency: The product’s price will be converted to default currency equivalent.
  • Leave product currency (allow only one product to be added to the cart): The product’s price will remain the same but the buyer will either have to complete the checkout process or remove the product when he wants to add more products to his cart.
  • Leave product currency (allow only same currency products to be added to cart): The product’s price will remain the same but the buyer will not be able to add products to the cart if products’ currency doesn’t match.
  • Convert to currency of last product in cart: The product’s price will be converted to the currency equivalent of the last product that was added to the cart.
  • Convert to currency of first product in cart: The product’s price will be converted to the currency equivalent of the last product that was added to the cart.


As Leave product currency options will ban the buyer from adding products for different conditions, you must display the message describing the reason for the same to those buyers. Use the relevant Message fields to do so.

Per Product Options

This option will add a meta box to all your product edit pages. You may select the relevant currency for each of your products once this option is enabled.

Make sure you save the product page in the editor to apply changes related to the product’s default currency in your WooCommerce store.

Additional Options

For each currency, you may choose to enable or disable setting its value as per product authors, author user roles, product categories, or tags. Selected related checkboxes accordingly in the Additional Options to do so.

Let’s explain how your cart will behave on enabling any of the above settings.

Consider you enabled product tags and saved changes. Next, you will enter one or multiple tags with each currency’s settings under the Currencies Options. Now, the currency meta box will render only those currencies in the dropdown that have the tag(s) related to the opened product page.

Example – If I add a tag USA to the currency USD, then only the products with the tag ‘USA’ will have the currency USD in their currency per product meta box.

Exchange Rates Updates Options

You may either specify conversion rates manually or automate this calculation using the Currency Exchange Rates module. Select the relevant option in the Exchanges Rates module section to determine your preference.

Currency Options

This section renders the options related to Booster: Currency per Product meta box. So, the currencies that you will add in this section will appear on various product edit pages as per the Per Product Options and Additional Options.

Select the Total Currencies (count) and click on the Save Changes button to view more fields on the page and proceed towards entering more information.

As per the number entered by you and the above selections made, you will see various new options on the page. Here is what a store administrator will view for each of his selected currencies when he has enabled all additional options:

Here, you need the specify the currency (from the dropdown menu), its exchange rate (if manual), product author(s), product author user role(s), product category(s), and product tag(s).

Repeat the same for all your currency options one by one.

Advanced Options

If you believe that your currency options are rendering incorrectly, it may be due to the priority clashes between plugins or modules in your WooCommerce store. Enable the Advanced: Save Calculated Products Prices option when such a compatibility issue troubles you.

Reset Module to Default Settings

Click the Reset Settings button to restore the default settings of the WooCommerce Currency Per Product module. After this, you can again change settings or keep the same settings for your store.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setup Currency per Product for WooCommerce #

  • In your WooCommerce Admin dashboard, go to the product for which you want to set a different currency. 
  • Open this product page in Edit mode.
  • As you have enabled the WooCommerce Currency per Product module for this product, you will see an extra meta box, titled Booster: Currency per Product on your product page. In this section, select the desired currency for your product under the dropdown for the Product Currency option.
WooCommerce Currency per Product - Admin Product Edit
  • Update the product details page to save these changes.

The Frontend View

WooCommerce Currency per Product - Frontend

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