
Configuring Numbering Settings

Table of Contents


Overview #

The Numbering section, of the WooCommerce PDF Invoicing & Packing plugin, allows you to set the numbering format for each document.

If sequential numbering is not enabled, then Order ID will be used for numbering documents. Document numbers can be prefixed and suffixed with shortcodes, such as . To include the month and year of the order in the invoice number, try . These settings will define the number format for all feature orders. 

To create invoices for existing orders, or to renumber invoices for any other reason, use the Renumerate Invoices tool, accessible through WooCommerce > Booster Tools > Renumerate Invoices.

1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS > Numbering.

The Numbering page will be displayed.

2. To enable sequential numbering, check the box for the Sequential field.

3. Enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:

Note: All the sections – Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Credit Note, Packing Slip, and Custom Document(s) – have the same set of fields. The field descriptions given in the table below are applicable to the fields of all the sections.

Field Description
Counter Number with which you want to start numbering the document
Counter Width Minimum width of the document length.For example, if you set Counter Width to 2, then the counter will be displayed in 2 digits (15). if you set Counter Width to 3, then the counter will be displayed in 3 digits (015).
Prefix Value that will be prefixed to the document number
Suffix Value that will be suffixed to the document number
Template Template that will be used for document creation. The values that will be replaced in this field are %prefix%, %counter%, and %suffix%.

4. Repeat step 3 for all the sections that you want to customize.

5. Click Save changes.

The numbering settings of the PDF invoicing and packing slips plugin will be configured.

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