Overview #
The Styling section, of the WooCommerce PDF Invoicing & Packing plugin, allows you to style your documents using CSS. You can only use basic CSS and not all CSS features are available.
You can set the default font family and properties. You can change the document font by adding the `font-family` property to the CSS. For example, `p { font-family: “Times New Roman”, Georgia, Serif; }`.
In cases where question marks or squares are displayed in your PDF and you are using a non-standard alphabet like Greek or Cyrillic, you can select Font Family such as DejaVu Sans(Unicode).
1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS > Styling.
The Styling page will be displayed.
2. Enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:
Note: All the sections – Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Packing Slip, Credit Note, and Custom Document # have the same set of fields. The field description given in the below table is applicable to the fields of all the sections.
Field | Description |
CSS | CSS used for the document |
Font Family | Font of the document |
Font Size | Font size of the document |
Make Font Shadowed | Specifies if the document font has a shadow effect |
3. Repeat step 2 for all the document types that you want to customize.
4. Click Save changes.
The document CSS will be configured.