
Configuring Display Settings

Table of Contents

Overview #

The Paid Stamp section, of the WooCommerce PDF Invoicing & Packing plugin, allows you to set the display and other miscellaneous options of the documents. It allows you to set options for the Admin Orders page such as adding columns and titles, buttons, and confirmation for actions. It also allows you to set options for the Thank you page, customer’s My Account page such as adding links and its text and template to be used. 

1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS > Display & Misc.

The Display & Misc. page will be displayed.

2. Enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:

Note: All the sections – Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Packing Slip, Credit Note, and Custom Document # have the same set of fields. The field description given in the below table is applicable to the fields of all the sections.

Field Description
Admin Title Admin title of the document
Admin’s “Orders” Page – Add Column Specifies if the column is added to the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – Column Title Name of the column added to the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – Add “View” button Specifies if the View button is added to the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – Add “Create” button Specifies if the Create button is added to the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – Add “Delete” button Specifies if the Delete button is added to the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – “Create” button requires confirmation Specifies if the user has to confirm the action when they click the Create button on the Admin Orders page
Admin’s “Orders” Page – “Delete” button requires confirmation Specifies if the user has to confirm the action when they click the Delete button on the Admin Orders page
Thank You Page – Add link Specifies if a link to the document will be added in the Thank You page
Thank You Page – Link Text Text of the link to the document that is added in the Thank You page
Thank You Page – HTML Template HTML template of the document used in the Thank You page. The values that will be replaced in this field is %link%
Customer’s “My Account” Page – Add link Specifies if a link to the document will be added in the customer’s My Account page
Customer’s “My Account” Page – Link Text Text of the link to the document that is added in the customer’s My Account page
Enable “Save as” Specifies if the user will be able to save/download the document as a PDF file, instead of viewing it in the browser
PDF File Name Filename for the PDF documents. You can use shortcodes here.
Allowed User Roles User roles for which the document download is allowed. If you set this field to empty, the Administrator role will be used.

3. Repeat step 2 for all the document types for which you want to configure the display and miscellaneous settings. 

4. Click Save changes.

The display and miscellaneous settings will be configured.

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