
WooCommerce User Products

Overview #

The WooCommerce User Products feature lets the administrator add a front-end form for users to create products. As the site administrator, you can choose which profile fields to be mandatory and optional. You can choose to have the product title to be unique when a user adds their products.


  • Add custom taxonomies for organising products on your WooCommerce store.
  • Ability to upload multiple images for a product from the frontend.
  • Product owners can see their products, view sales, and manage product stock from the WooCommerce My Account page via the Products tab.
  • Product owners receive email notifications for orders received for their products.
  • Module compatibility with other Booster modules such as Product Addons, Product Input Fields, Offer your price, etc. Also, to accept or decline payment requests, you can configure the Offer Your Price module.

Enabling the WooCommerce User Products Feature #

To enable the user products module you must first download and install the Booster for WooCommerce plugin on your site. After activating the Booster for WooCommerce plugin, to enable the feature:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > User Products.
  2. Mark the checkbox for User Products to enable the module.
Enabling the module
  1. Click the Save changes button.

Configuring the user product profile fields #

As the site administrator, you can choose which profile fields to be mandatory and optional while users create products from the frontend. Also, set the product title to be unique. 

To configure the profile fields:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > User Products.
  2. In the options section, mark the additional profile fields you want to display on the product creation page and mark the profile fields which you want to be mandatory when a user is creating a product.
    Note: The image field is available in Booster Pro plans (or higher).
    1. In the User Visibility textbox, enter the user roles that you want to allow to create products from the frontend.
      Note: You can add custom roles via the ‘Add/Manage Custom Roles’ tool from Booster’s ‘General’ module.
    2. Mark the checkbox for Add ‘My Products’ tab, to add a ‘My Products’ tab to a user’s WooCommerce My Account page.
      This will allow users to view, edit, and delete the products they created from their My Account page. 
    3. Optionally, mark the checkbox for Require Unique Title to keep the product title unique across your WooCommerce store and avoid duplicate product names.
Configuring the profile fields for the user products
  1. Click the Save changes button to apply the settings to the module.
Products tab preview on the My Account page

Adding the product creation form to the frontend #

To add the product creation form to a page on your website:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New to create a page. Add a title for the page and then add the following shortcode:

    "Product by User" module is not enabled!

Adding the product creation form to the frontend
  1. Click the Publish button.

Note: The product creation form will only be visible to the selected user roles specified in the User Products’ User Visibility settings.

Product creation form preview on the frontend

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