Overview #
The Advanced section, of the WooCommerce PDF Invoicing & Packing plugin, allows you to set advanced options for your documents such as hiding disabled documents settings, replacing admin order search with invoice search, setting default and temporary images directories, replacing item names with product titles, managing fonts, setting general display options, and setting report tool options.
1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS > Advanced.
The Advanced page will be displayed.
2. Enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:
Field | Description |
Hide Disabled Docs Settings | Specifies if the Disabled Documents section is disabled. |
Replace Admin Order Search with Invoice Search | Specifies if the Admin Order search is replaced with Invoice search |
Default Images Directory | Default images directory in TCPDF library (K_PATH_IMAGES) |
Temp Directory | Temporary images directory |
Disable Saving PDFs in Temp Directory | Specifies if the option to save PDF files in the temporary directory is disabled.Note: If and when this option is enabled, invoices will not be attached to emails and zip folders of invoice reports will not be generated. |
Prevent Output Buffer | Specifies if the content of output buffering will be returned, instead of being displayed. |
Internal Encoding | Internal character encoding. e.g: UTF-8, iso-8859-1 |
WooCommerce Extra Product Options on Item Name | Specifies if extra product options, from the WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin, will be displayed on item_name parameter from wcj_order_items_table. It is recommended to disable this option and use the item_name parameter instead. |
Item Meta Separator | Separator used between item_name parameter and wcj_order_items_table |
3. Scroll down for more options.
4. In the Item Name as Product Title section, enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:
Field | Description |
Enable | Specifies if the item_name is replaced by product title when using |
Translate WPML Title | Specifies if the product title will be translated to the current WPML language |
5. In the Fonts Manager section, click Re-download to download the latest version of fonts. The timestamp of the latest successful download or version check will be displayed at the beginning of the section.
6. To disable the option to download fonts, check the box for Disable Fonts Download field.
7. In the General Display Options section, enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:
Field | Description |
Add PDF Invoices Meta Box to Admin Edit Order Page – Add | Specifies if the PDF invoices meta box will be added to the Admin edit order page |
Open docs in new window | Specifies if documents will be displayed in a new window |
Add editable numbers and dates | Specifies if editable numbers and dates are added to documents |
8. Scroll down for more options.
9. In the Report Tool Options section, enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:
Field | Description |
Reports Filename | Name of the reports file. The values that will be replaced in this field are %site%, %invoice_type%, %year%, and %month%. |
Report Columns | Columns that are included in the report |
Tax Percent Precision | Percentage precision of tax |
CSV Separator | Separator used in the reports CSV files |
CSV UTF-8 BOM | Specifies if the CSV UTF-8 BOM encoding method is added to reports |
Replace Periods with Commas in CSV Data | Specifies if periods are replaced with commas in reports CSV files |
10. Click Save changes.
The advanced options will be configured.