
WooCommerce Cart Customization

Overview #

WooCommerce Cart Customization plugin allows you to customize the WooCommerce cart including hiding coupon code and item remove link, changing button titles, and so on. 

Enabling Cart Customization in WooCommerce #

To enable and use the WooCommerce cart customization plugin, you should first download and install Booster for WooCommerce.

1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > CART & CHECKOUT > Cart Customization.

The Cart Customization Module Options page will be displayed.

2. In the Cart Customization section, check the box for Enable Module field.

3. Scroll down to the end of the page and click Save changes.

The WooCommerce Cart Customization plugin will be enabled for your site.

Configuring Cart Customization Settings #

You can customize the shopping cart of your e-commerce site using this option. You can hide coupons on the cart page, hide links to remove items from the cart, and change the button labels and button links when the cart is empty.

1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > CART & CHECKOUT > Cart Customization.

The Cart Customization Module Options page will be displayed.

2. Enter/select required values for the fields. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:

Field Description
Hide Coupon on Cart Page – Hide Specifies if coupon(s) are hidden on the cart page
Hide Item Remove Link – Hide Specifies if the link to remove items from the cart are hidden on the cart page
Change Empty Cart “Return to shop” Button Text – Enable Specifies if the button text Return to Shop can be changed
Method Method using which the button text can be modified. The available options are Use Javascript and Replace empty cart template.
Text Text with which the button text should be replaced
Change Empty Cart “Return to shop” Button Link – Enable Specifies if the button link Return to Shop can be changed
Link Link with which the button text should be replaced

3. Click Save changes.

The WooCommerce cart customization settings for your site will be configured.

Output #

A sample empty cart page with the button text changed to Return to the store is shown in the below screenshot:

A sample cart page with the apply coupon and remove items from cart options hidden is shown in the below screenshot:

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