

Fund a project or do great things with your WooCommerce store! Easily and quickly add a crowdfunded product with WooCommerce Crowdfunding module. Simply enable this module in the Booster settings, set your goal, your start date, your end date, and start promoting!

WooCommerce Crowdfunding Module Settings View

Picture1 23

Product Edit Page View

When enabled, module will add Crowdfunding metabox to product edit.

Picture2 17

Frontend View

Picture3 11

To add crowdfunding info to the product, use these shortcodes:

  • [wcj_product_total_orders]
  • [wcj_product_total_orders_items]
  • [wcj_product_total_orders_sum]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_startdate]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_deadline]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining]
  • [wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar]

Shortcodes could be used in WooCommerce Product Info module, in WooCommerce Custom Product Tabs module, or in a product description.


You can add multiple price options to Crowdfunding product by setting “Product Type” in product edit page to “Variable product” and creating a Custom Product Attribute:

WooCommerce Crowdfunding - Admin Settings - Product Edit Page

Then create variations from all attributes and set their prices:

WooCommerce Crowdfunding - Admin Settings - Product Edit Page

This will allow customers to choose how much they are willing to contribute.

WooCommerce Crowdfunding - Admin Settings - Product Edit Page

Tips & Tricks

You can change “Add to cart” button label using WooCommerce Add to Cart Labels module.
You can allow customers to choose their preferred contribution size using WooCommerce Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) module.
Accessible through:
  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > Crowdfunding
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7