Booster Admin Tools


Booster for WooCommerce general back-end tools.

Admin Tools Module Options

Show Booster Menus Only to Admin
Will require manage_options capability to see Booster menus (instead of manage_woocommerce capability).
Default: no
Suppress Admin Connect Notice
Will remove “Connect your store to WooCommerce.com to receive extensions updates and support.” admin notice.
Default: no
Suppress Admin Notices
Will remove admin notices (including the Connect notice).
Default: no

Orders Options

Show Order Meta
Will show order meta table in meta box.
Default: no

Products Options

Show Product Meta
Will show product meta table in meta box.
Default: no
Show Variable Product Pricing Table
Will allow to set all variations prices in single meta box.
Default: no
Product Revisions
Will enable product revisions.
Default: no
JSON Product Search Limit
This will set the maximum number of products to return on JSON search (e.g. when setting Upsells and Cross-sells on product edit page). Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0

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Accessible through:
  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Emails & Misc. > Admin Tools
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7