Review Icons


The Review Plugin, lets visitors and customers see reviews on the product page. When you turn on this plugin, people can read reviews as soon as they visit the product page. You can customize the review form to let customers add images, videos, and list the product’s pros and cons. The image and video options in the review form allow reviewers to show what the product looks like and how it works, helping others get a real sense of the product.

Whenever you go to any product page, you’ll see a review section showing what other users think about the product. These reviews help new shoppers decide if the product is worth buying and give feedback to the seller. For sellers, reviews provide useful ideas to improve their products and build trust with their customers.

What Can You Do with the Reviews Module?

  • Enable users to give one or multiple reviews to the product.
  • Add review text, ratings, additinal ratings, videos, images, and pros and cons.
  • Hide/Show option of pros and cons by choosng enable/disable from review plugin settings.
  • Show the reviewer’s name, ratings, and review text.
  • Enhance your business by adding the Reviews.
  • Boost your business by adding the addtional ratings features in reviews.

Getting Started with Reviews

Once you have Booster for WooCommerce plugin and the Reviews module enabled for your store, getting started is hassle-free. Our user-friendly module interface keeps it all sorted for you. Still stuck? We have prepared a very detailed documentation to help our users understand how the Reviews Module works.

Read Documentation

Why use the Reviews Plugin with your WooCommerce Store?

With our plugin, you have full control over your shop’s product reviews. Add text, display addtional ratings settings, images, videos, and do a lot more. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • Display real reviews to prove your product is awesome.
  • Motivate your prospects to make a purchase.
  • Attract visitors’ attention without distracting them from their purpose of visit.
  • Enable additional rating options for your users to make them stand apart.
  • Show best reviews to win new users’ trust.

Reviews Plugin at Work

1.Edit Reviews General Options Content

Decide who can see the review form by selecting a user role. You can also pick which product categories to include or exclude, deciding where the review form will appear. Plus, you can sort reviews to control the order they show on your site.


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2.Reviews Form Options

What can be the addtional rating criteria options for reviews, add multiple labels to show multiple ratings, add multiple ratings label to show ratings, add images and videos to boost your business, add Terms and Conditions Checkbox in review form, you should change the description for the terms and conditions Checkbox.
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3.Specify the Product’s Pros and cons in Reviews

Add separate sections for a product’s pros and cons in the review form. This makes the product review clearer and easier to understand, helping users quickly see the benefits and drawbacks and make faster purchase decisions.


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4.Enable Reviews module to generate the Exports Reviews link

You can enable the Reviews module to generate an “Export Reviews” link, which allows you to view a list of reviews of products and export their reviews.


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List of Reviews

Access through: Admin dashboard > Booster > Booster Tools > Reviews

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Accessible through:
  • Booster > Plugins > Marketing >Reviews
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7