
Home Forums Booster Plus Customer Forum Feature request: Orders Auto-Complete only for downloadable/virtual products

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  • #24519

    though the feature to auto-complete orders is very neat, I ran into a problem using this: when a store sells both material products (then the usual emails from Woo are fine) and sells virtual products (where your feature is great). Right now, it’s either having auto-complete or not, for all types of products.

    Could this feature be enhanced in one of both ways:
    1. enable auto-complete for virtual and/or downloadable products only
    2. or, alternatively, enable auto-complete for products based on product category

    Like to hear, thanks.

    David G

    Hi @espace66,

    Thanks for your message.

    sorry, currently this kind of feature isn’t available in the plugin. You can not set product type, and product category setting for auto-complete order, but you can set the payment method for auto-complete order

    For example: If you set “PayPal” for an auto-complete order, it will only auto-complete the PayPal payment order.

    We will check other customer requests and try to add this feature in our upcoming updates.

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