
Home Forums Booster Plus Customer Forum Checkout Custom Fields Module position

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  • #25781
    christophe Jaouen

    I added an email and a phone number for the shipping section of the checkout with the “Checkout Custom Fields Module Options” module.
    I’m also using Divi Theme Builder.
    Could you please tell me how to display both added fields under the name and address of the client :
    1. in the checkout page (for now it’s on the top of the shipping fileds)
    2. in the email sent to the admin for a new order, i’d like also to get these fields under the other address fields.

    Thank you in advance

    David G

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    1. If you want to change the position of the fields then you can provide us your website URL. We will check and change the position using jQuery. You can add that custom code to the “Custom JS” module.

    2. Custom fields will automatically send to email.

    christophe Jaouen

    Thankds for the feedbacks.
    1. The url is https://www.agroressources.com
    2. you mean that with the custom code in the custom js module will also be applied to the email and appear after the address?
    Thank you

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